

From a variety of counseling techniques that exist, behavioral counseling is one of the most practically applicable technique. Though this technique is applicable in a wide variety of domains, its effectiveness in the field of substance use is highly supported by research evidences.

The counseling provided at NTQLS is based on the techniques of behavioral counseling. Techniques like reinforcement, behavioral monitoring, modeling, etc. are being used with the callers by the counsellors. For instance; the callers are asked to observe and acquire the behavior of those who have been affected by tobacco use and then eventually plan to quit. Likewise, the callers are praised and experience positive impacts on reducing tobacco. This is simply motivating to them and is based on the reinforcement technique of behavioral counseling. It increases the likelihood of desirable behavior, i.e. reducing and then quitting the use of tobacco.

In totality; the essence of behavioral counseling lies in identifying the maladaptive behavior and using the techniques to substitute it with more adaptive behavior patterns. It gives weightage to both the roles of the counsellor and the caller who is equally responsible in modifying and regulating his behavior of quitting tobacco use.