Tobacco is a plant. Its leaves are used to make tobacco products that contains excessive level of harmful chemicals like nicotine, lead, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, benzene & radioactive elements such as Polonium-200 etc. The scientific name of tobacco plant is Nicotiana tabacum.
Smokeless tobacco like gutkha, khaini, pan masala, etc.
Both, it is a myth that smoking is more injurious . Each type of tobacco, whether smoking or smokeless has its own adverse impacts.
Yes, reducing the amounts of tobacco consumed each day is a step forward to quitting. The major issue is to manage the urge that exists for a few days even after quitting completely.
When the body is no longer getting nicotine after quitting, there are certain changes in the body like fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, vomiting, anger, anxiety etc. that are called withdrawal symptoms. These changes can be physical or psychological in nature.
Following a healthy lifestyle, maintaining diet and physical exercise can really help deal with withdrawal symptoms.
No,it has an impact on mental health as well. It affects thoughts, concentration, memory and other psychological process .
It impacts head to toe. The most commonly associated diseases are cancer, asthma, tuberculosis,stroke and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). It also fastens the process of ageing.
It's "usage" gives psychological pleasure which leads to a subsequent increase in tobacco consumption .Discontinuation of tobacco is often associated with mood swings, anxiety and even depression.
No, Most of the time it doesn't require any medication. Professional counseling can be really effective.
It comes under pharmacotherapy. They contain nicotine and only help prevent the urge as long as they are used.
There are a number of techniques that can be followed to manage the urge, i.e. drink water, distract, delay and deep breathing.
No, it involves smoke that contains 'tar coal' which has adverse effects on lungs.
Launch of the Quitline and regional satellite centers is one of the major initiative taken by the government.
The Quitline has a protocol that involves setting the target for the individual and motivating the person to achieve the target with the help of adequate techniques.
Counseling involves assessing the severity of tobacco consumption of an individual and suggesting the right strategies to quit based on the assessment.
It has no costs involved and can be accessed from anywhere and anytime.
It is a source of consistent support
No, the tobacco Quitline is a non -judge mental and confidential platform and the information is completely secure.
It takes 72 hours after you quit tobacco for the nicotine to be out of your body, however, it takes at least 3 months for the brain chemistry to return to normal.
No, it takes around 7 days to 3 weeks to change the habit.
Quitting from NTQLS is very easy. We have some counselling protocol that need to be fulfilled during counselling.
Quitting from NTQLS is very easy. We have some counselling protocol that need to be fulfilled during counselling.
Tobacco contains nicotine and nicotine is the highly addictive substance.
Yes, Nicotinia tabacum is annually-grown herbaceous plant that naturally contains nicotine.
India stand in 2nd position in the world after china.