

National Tobacco Quitline Services is Nation’s first Telephonic Tobacco Cessation Counseling Service provided in India. It is an initiative by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI, and is operational from Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, Delhi.

The process of online support is initiated when the person makes a call at the toll free number to quit the use of tobacco. The toll free number 1800-11-2356, operational from 8 am to 8 pm, is accessed easily through the tobacco packets and other sources like TV advertisements, awareness ads in the cinema hall, seminars, webinars and campaigns.

After dialing the toll free number, the caller selects the preferred language and his call is directed to the counselor available at that time. The counselor receives the call, greets the caller and assures him that the conversation between them will be confidential. Thereafter, the telephonic counselling session proceeds and the counsellor registers the caller and makes an assessment.

The assessment process involves procuring information such as demographic details, assessment of tobacco dependence, agenda setting, action planning and closing. The counselors also provide Quit pack- via email. With this the counselling session ends and the caller is informed that he will be contacted soon for the follow up session for further support.

Since this Quitline is proactive in nature, follow-ups are an essential component of this online support system. The follow ups are progressive calls and involves taking timely updates from the callers regarding their behavior of tobacco use. The components of call range from P1 to P4. The follow up sessions begin with the P1 call, i.e. a pre-quit date call. This call is made to remind the caller that he has to make efforts to quit tobacco on his quit date. Pre quit date call is made by the counselor 3-4 days before the planned quit date. The next call is P2 call, i.e. the quit date call. Quit date call is made by the counselor on the planned quit date. After quitting at the P2 call, the P3 call is made 3-7 days after the planned quit date. At the P3 call, the counselor makes an assessment whether his caller is facing any withdrawal symptoms or experiencing some kind of benefits from quitting. Thereafter, an ongoing support call is made by the counselor about 1-3 weeks after the quit date, i.e. P4 call.

National Tobacco Quitline Services, under the directorship of Prof. Raj Kumar, made a change in their follow up call protocol. The follow up call sessions were extended from P4 to P8. The P5 call is ongoing support call made after a time period of three months from the Quit date call. Likewise, the P6 call is made after 6 months from the quit date call. The P7 call is made after 9 months from the quit date call.

The P8 call is the closing call made by the counselor after 12 months from the quit date call. At this level, the follow up sessions terminate. The caller is thanked to approach the Quitline and assured for further services if ever required in the future.

The evident that Quitline is not only enabling the callers to quit, but makes consistent attempts to maintain that behavior change for a period of one year. It is indeed a factor that contributes to the successful working of the Quitline.